
The app is helpful for spot checks, but for viewing trends, the plots should scale better. All data plots as essentially a strai

Zedi Admin (Admin) 8 years ago in Zedi Go updated 8 years ago 1
The app is helpful for spot checks, but for viewing trends, the plots should scale better. All data plots as essentially a straight line because the axis is too large of a scale for the time period allowed.
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Good Morning Lance,

Thank you for your input. Your suggestions is actually a known bug and in the process of being fixed. It will look just like Zedi Access, that is auto-scaled, in the next release. Thank you for your suggestions and we look forward to hearing from you again.


Good Morning Lance,

Thank you for your input. Your suggestions is actually a known bug and in the process of being fixed. It will look just like Zedi Access, that is auto-scaled, in the next release. Thank you for your suggestions and we look forward to hearing from you again.