Under review

Can you please allow ALL 5 ZEDI SCADA Go Meters to be allowed to be synced at any time, righy now it cannot be done on some afte

Phil Gennarelli 7 years ago in Zedi Go updated by anonymous 7 years ago 1
Can you please allow ALL 5 ZEDI SCADA Go Meters to be allowed to be synced at any time, righy now it cannot be done on some after 5 pm cst and uts hit ir miss on others.

These Scada accessed meters:

Kohler Sales
North East Lateral
Southeast Central Lateral
Crown Lateral

What is your role/job function?:
Under review

Hello Phil,Thank you for your feedback. We will pass this suggestion onto our development team. 


Zedi Customer Care

Thank you for your feedback. We will pass this suggestion onto our development team.


Zedi Customer Care