New Updates on Zedi Go – December 21st, 2020

Zedi Admin (Admin) 4 years ago in Zedi Go 0

New Updates on Zedi Go – December 21st, 2020

Live data screens now with Graph control

Now you can see your sensors and graphs when

  1. Live Data Screen that has source coming from report center

Image 496

This is the “Full Screen” view.

Image 497

Live Data Screen coming from sensors

Image 498

This is the full screen view with a tooltip.

Image 499

2. This shows you a new line “Oil” and “Water” for 2-phase tests, a breakdown of “Emulsion”.

Image 501

3. When you enter the same reading as the current value, you will get a warning message. You will have the option of saving it or not.

Image 504

Image 503

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