Improve the Core Not the Look
Please improve the Core Functions like :
1- Adding More than 6 Parameters to the Graphs.
2- Fixed colors per parameter per User ( e.g. I can fix Motor Temp. to a Red Color in all my Graphs)
3- Graph Type select ( e.g. Bars / Pie Chart etc.) easily done from HighCharts.
4- Map is way off and inaccurate ( either remove it or check why you got a totally off GPS locations )
5- the Analytics is really Good tool which need a lot of improvement.
Demand poll and turn production off for meters from the options menu.
Would like the ability to 'demand poll' and/or Turn off Production for meters from the options menue without having to open the Live Data screen.
Mobile Version needs to be improved
mobile version of the website does not allow zooming
Viewing alarms doesn't show the full well Name
The header takes almost 80 percent of the screen which makes you scroll only in the 20 percent left to view the wells
Possibility to separete the runnng well by the stopped
Thi option give an important inprovment on the daily ESP monitoring to get immediatley the possibility to check the stopped system and analyse.
Zedi Amazon Alexa Skill
Extended future development of an Amazon Alexa Skill that would allow multiple sets of functionality. These could include asking her to complete a demand poll of a meter, her providing the current cycle status or telling her to shut in a well.
New colour is horrible. Hard to read.
New colour is hard to read and is a strain on the eyes. All operators in our company hate it. Otherwise, other changes were good. Please bring old colour back or at least darken in up......
The. Changes you made. Adding map location Is that some stupid kid gaming idea to make it more fun ?? It interfers with mobile
Customer support service by UserEcho