7-21-39-10w5 sales meter is updating on my computer but not on app, also 7-21-39-10w5 well hasn’t updated in 5 days, says I had

Justin Klassen 4 years ago in Zedi Go 0
7-21-39-10w5 sales meter is updating on my computer but not on app, also 7-21-39-10w5 well hasn’t updated in 5 days, says I had a comm fail, csn you see if its actually a comms issue, fuel gas antenna is right beside it and has updated steady.

New Updates on Zedi Go – December 21st, 2020

Zedi Admin (Admin) 4 years ago in Zedi Go 0

New Updates on Zedi Go – December 21st, 2020

Live data screens now with Graph control

Now you can see your sensors and graphs when

  1. Live Data Screen that has source coming from report center

Image 496

This is the “Full Screen” view.

Image 497

Live Data Screen coming from sensors

Image 498

This is the full screen view with a tooltip.

Image 499

2. This shows you a new line “Oil” and “Water” for 2-phase tests, a breakdown of “Emulsion”.

Image 501

3. When you enter the same reading as the current value, you will get a warning message. You will have the option of saving it or not.

Image 504

Image 503


7-21-39-10w5 sales 7-21-39-10w5 inlet. Neither have updated for 16 hrs, manually powered up both sites and batteries good. Won

Justin Klassen 4 years ago in Zedi Go 0
7-21-39-10w5 sales
7-21-39-10w5 inlet.
Neither have updated for 16 hrs, manually powered up both sites and batteries good. Wondering if its a comms issue or issue on your end?

Logging In

Zedi Admin (Admin) 4 years ago in Zedi Access 0

What you need to connect

  1. An Internet connection.

An Internet web browser. We strongly recommend that you use the most up-to-date version of Microsoft Internet Explorer.

  1. A username and password provided by your Zedi Administrator or by Zedi Customer Care

Connecting to Zedi Access

  1. In your Internet browser (e.g., Microsoft Internet Explorer), go to https://www.zedisolutions.com/ and click the Sign In link on the top right of the webpage. 

Image 286

  1. This link will take you to Zedi's product Login Menu. Click the Zedi Access tab.

Image 285

  1. Enter your Username and Password.
  2. Click OK on the security pop-up box if it appears.
  3. Click Login.

If you forget your username or password

Click on the Forgot Login Details? link on the login page.

You will be asked to enter your username and your e-mail address if you forgot your password. You will be asked to enter your email address if you forgot your username. Click 'Submit'.

If your information is correct, Zedi will email your email address with a link to reset your password or your username. The password reset link will only be active for 30 minutes from the time sent. Once you click on the link you will be directed to reset your password.

Your new password must have both letters and numbers, should not be found in the dictionary, and should not be easy for anyone to guess.

System Notifications

System Notifications will also be posted on the login screen for Zedi Access. Notification on this screen communicate important information around system upgrades, communication issues related to Zedi's communication providers, and other changes important for users to know when using Zedi Access.

Some users may not see this on a laptop monitor if their screen resolution is low. Users may have to scroll down to see all of the Zedi Access login screen with System Notifications.


I’m unable to update 1-19-44-10w5 orfice plate, not sure if its a glitch or lack if permissions. If you could look into and corr

Justin Klassen 4 years ago in Zedi Go 0
I’m unable to update 1-19-44-10w5 orfice plate, not sure if its a glitch or lack if permissions. If you could look into and correct as needed

i need to be able to export this screen

jsartain 4 years ago in Zedi Access 0

How do i change my timezone settings? Mine is GMT -7:00, its way out. Thanks

Lindsay Kary 4 years ago in Zedi Go 0
How do i change my timezone settings? Mine is GMT -7:00, its way out.

How do I change well run name

terry konrad 4 years ago in Zedi Go 0
How do I change well run name

I am writing this to see where this goes.

sherry hyde@emerson com 4 years ago in Zedi Go updated by firewater 2 years ago 1
I am writing this to see where this goes.

While using the mobile app version of zedi, when changing time stamps while entering tests, the times don’t pop up. Thanks.

Jesse Orton 4 years ago in Zedi Go 0
While using the mobile app version of zedi, when changing time stamps while entering tests, the times don’t pop up.